P. & G. PAVLOU SA is a 3 generation family business. Its activity started 75 years ago, in the field of cereals trading which eventually developed to animal feed manufacturing and nowadays has become an agency company representing worldwide known companies’ of animal, fish feed and pet food raw materials in Greece and in the Balkan countries. The combination of our long lasting experience, the competitive prices and the exclusive representation of worldwide known companies guarantee the selection of the most advanced raw materials for animal and fish feed production from the global market. Our deep information, knowledge and experience secure our clients’ profit, advising the right prices and the appropriate time for the purchases from the general commodity complex.
Our company’s headquarters are located in Athens in self owned premises at Ampelokipoi region in the “ATHENS TOWER”.
Our knowledge and the continuous follow up of the world markets’ trends gives to our clients a strong advantage in order to organize their supplies based on their current and future demands. They enjoy excellent privileges by coming to an agreement with the most trustworthy suppliers in the world, in all products’ range.
P. & G PAVLOU SA has the know how and the experience of supply chain management in order to avoid cash flow and storage problems but without leaving any of its client with less or more supply that it is required. In conclusion, the selection of the most appropriate, valid, timely and economic means of transport is of great importance for us.
All in all, we work for the profit of our customers.